Legal Insights


If a loved one has lost mental capacity, that person is no longer able to appoint a Power of Attorney to act on their behalf. It may become necessary for


“Retainer” Explained The term “retainer” can have several meanings: money, a relationship or an agreement. Here we are focusing on a money retainer paid into a law firm’s trust account


The issue of the cost of legal services is a bit of a mystery to most consumers and, more importantly, often consumers cannot afford the price of a lawyer if


Most people never become involved in litigation, and that’s a good thing. However, sometimes people find themselves in need of either pursuing a legal issue in the courts or defending

Estate Litigation

A will is a legal document left by someone who has died setting out what to do with that person’s estate. There are a number of reasons that a will

RDM Lawyers has expanded to Langley with Orstad Law Merger.