Part 7 Benefits – ICBC and Broken Promises
Aug 29 2024
Prior to no-fault legislation, many British Columbians injured in car accidents opted to settle their claim for damages with ICBC and leave their right to receive Part 7 benefits open.
This meant that although the case was settled, ICBC promised to continue to pay rehabilitation costs, income replacement and homemaking/caregiving expenses.
Unfortunately, despite these promises, many people are finding themselves in the difficult position of having their ongoing treatment and other benefits denied by ICBC, despite being medically supported.
We can help. We can make demands to the ICBC adjuster on your behalf, apply for a court order compelling ICBC to continue necessary coverage or negotiate a lump sum pay out of your Part 7 benefits. Please contact our office today at 604.853.0774 to set up a consult with a member of our Personal Injury Team.
For more information about initial consults, please see the following link: